BLS Industri strives to maintain an open business climate and respect for all the people affected by our business. Irregularities in our operations that could harm the company, our employees, customers or other stakeholders should be noted and investigated as soon as possible.
Our whistleblower service
The whistleblower service enables the reporting (may be anonymous) of a concern about something that could seriously affect the company or a person’s life or health, and which is not in line with our company’s values and business ethics principles.
Who do you report to?
BLS Industries whistleblower system has been appointed by the employer and consists of independent persons with the authority to receive reports and also to contact you as a reporting person, follow up on what has been reported and provide feedback on it.
The persons responsible have a duty of confidentiality and, as a starting point, have sole access to the information received via the whistleblower function.
How can you report?
You can report in writing, by phone, e-mail or through a booked physical meeting. Describe your case carefully so that we get a basis for proceeding with an investigation. All matters are handled confidentially.
Contact our external partner for whistleblowing as below
Advokat Eva Holm AB Adress: Stora Östergatan 27 A, 271 34 Ystad, Tel: +46 706 63 76 60